
kaerahelveste magus ja jõevihma ööd

Mulle tulid eelmised söödud mangod meelde, ma olin neid pikalt nautinud, ja rõduuks oli valla, ja avar luksusühikaköök tuksles loengus olevate või oma toas lugevate tüdrukute hingamisest, ja Võhma küünlad levitasid laimilõhna. See oli nii hea aasta. 

Iga aasta on olnud nii hea aasta.


I found out that there are some things I have never learned and maybe should have, if I would believe that there was a certain way of dealing with stuff. I am vaguely concerned that it might cause me troubles, but then, I would have to get over them, and that would be just fine. 

I have finally become interested in people. That is something very special.

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